Legal Technology | 1 min

Incorporate the 11 Habits to Grow Your Law Firm in the Digital Age

June 4, 2020

Richard giving a speech on 11 habits

"Building a successful small law firm requires planning and strategy, but above all, it requires action."

- Richard Hugo-Hamman, LEAP Executive Chairman

Over the past 25 years, Richard Hugo-Hamman has visited hundreds of small law firms throughout seven different countries. Richard has updated the original 11 Habits to address the effect the pandemic of 2020 has had on lawyers. The whitepaper discusses how to adapt to operating remotely, and how to care for yourself in the process to remain profitable.

This whitepaper serves as a checklist for you to reach your business goals in the digital age. It acts as a tool for building your law firm into a thriving and successful business in our new world. Learn how you can implement these 11 Habits into your practice by downloading this checklist now.


Learn how you can implement these 11 Habits into your practice by downloading this checklist now.